Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Coming soon....

I am working on a multi-blog series on the American diet. This is coming soon.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Serious Updating.

Ok. We moved a couple of months ago. We are all loving the new apartment. Kittles loves the couch my mom gave us. Chris and I love being able to sleep when one of us is up playing on the computer or watching tv. We got a little grill and have had tons of cook outs. We have tons more space, a much bigger kitchen, and more closet space. Our carpet keeps getting dirty though, so I've had to shampoo it a few times. Things are good with that.

I started school again. It's pretty hectic. I usually have 1-2 books and a play to read every week, but I'm doing a pretty good job keeping up. History of Environmental Science in America might kill me with boredom, though.

I hung out with my mom earlier after Sadee's loooooooooooong vet visit. We went to Joe's Pizza in mesquite.. it was pretty delicious. I recommend it. We should all try to keep hole in the wall places in business.

A lot of my friends are trying vegetarianism and I've been trying to be really supportive and keep them healthy and on track. If you know anyone that is a vegetarian or wants to become one, I am a walking book of knowledge. Pleeeeease let me know! I tried some Field Roast Vegan Sausages yesterday. They are completely amazing. Soy free, meat free, they cook well, they're easy to crumble, and they taste great. The texture leaves a little to be desired but it's hard to care when you're eating something so delish.

We are looking at new cars for me. Hopefully the plans will go through because any of you who have ridden in my car lately probably know that it's on its last leg. We're currently looking at used mini coopers.

Unfortunately any studying that I was doing for my senior honors thesis has come to a stand still. Of course I could be working on it right now, but I'm blogging. I don't know why, either, because if you're reading this you've probably heard this all from me already.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Sorry. I forgot you, blog.

So I started researching for my senior honors thesis today. I'm rereading all of Vonnegut's novels in chronological order. I don't know what I'm writing about yet, I figured I'll just read until something comes to me. I'll keep you posted.

Chris and I cleaned a lot today with the help of his mom. We move in about a week and a half. Nothing is packed yet, but at least we got some cleaning out of the way. The bathroom looks absolutely amazing.

Umm.. that is all.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Don't die blog. I know I haven't been good to you, but I'll change. I swear I'll change!

End of the semester- drawing dangerously near. Reading my last book for Jane Austen right now. I love Jane Austen, but I'm ready to throw up! Reading all of her books in six weeks is a method of torture. Really.

So a lot has happened since we last met, Sir Blog. I got promoted, worked too much, wanted to pull my hair out, wanted to burn down our store, had no time to be happy, stepped down, and the other day I was bored for the first time in months. Being bored is FABULOUS, you people just don't know! Oh yeah, that German class I was taking? Dropped it. The Stats class I was taking? C. Working full time and going to school is the stupidest idea I've ever had. I could never do both jobs to the best of my ability, first giving up school, and then slacking off at work. Not doin' it again.

So what am I reading? JANE AUSTEN. We're currently reading Persuasion, her last novel and the last we have to read. We're exploring the Romantic elements of the story. I took a break from her on Wednesday and reread The Phantom Tollbooth. I love kid's books. They're so fantastic! TPT is all about how it takes language, math, reason, and "rhyme" to make a well balanced society. I dunno about math, but whatever, if you say so. To summarize the plot a little, this boy, who is incredibly bored with his life, comes home from school one day and there's a tollbooth in his room. So he goes through it, visits the kingdom where words are grown (yea, on trees), travels through the valleys of sound and sight, through the mines where numbers are procured, and climbs to a castle in the sky to rescue two princesses- Rhyme and Reason. What everyone fails to tell him is that the mission is impossible, but of course they tell him that afterward. It's a great book, and a two hour read.

I also read The Namesake, which was alright. I think I was a little lost because I'm not Indian and I don't know any of the culture and traditions that were being described in the book. It was aimed exclusively toward one audience, unless you were really aiming to get it and googled everything, then I guess you would get the best out of it. I also read Anna in the Tropics, which is about the workers in a cigar factory and how they have a man read to them while their rolling cigars. The reader reads Anna Karenina and everyone gets all love crazy and Mr. Reader man ends up getting shot. It was really strange, but I loved the amount of old world cigar roller tradition was involved. It made me want a cigar, too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh Hi!

Hey Blog. I finally have some stuff to talk about, I think, and I have nothing to do while my noodles are cooking. Im making like a spaghetti with broccoli and peas. Nowmnowm. It's going to be yumtastic. I've decided to change my diet, you know, be healthier. I'm going to watch my sodium intake (because it's currently through le roof) and choose vegetarian opitions if they are available when I go out to eat, or what have you. I would go organic and natural too but that shit's expensive.

At any rate, I'm almost done with my book, the Brief Wondrous yadda yadda. It is really good. I've learned a lot about Santo Domingo and the Truijillo reign while reading it, while being thoroughly entertained. It's sexy and historically significant! Book club is in a few weeks and I'm hoping to get the book club book done then read through the new Neal Stephenson book, although I have no idea how long that bad boy is going to take me. Its like 1000 pages.

I went to the vagina doctor today and got probed in every way, shape, and form. I also got that HPV virus shot and my arm is SUPER FUCKED. I'm 10 kinds of sore :(.

Dinner just got done, OMG YUM. Chris is asleep so I get to make whatever I want. Veggies, pasta, and tomatoes go so well together.

Off to dine, peace out!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

omg hai.

Oh hello, Blog.

My birthday was last week. I am 20! I don't feel 20. I really don't feel an age. How do you feel an age? I think I grew up to fast to remember what it was like to not be a responsible adult. I've had bills since I was 17. I moved out a month after I graduated from high school. I've had pets to take care of and provide for for 2 years. The only thing I miss about living at home was not having to worry about how much energy a light was using, or how much rent is going to increase when my lease is up. I like living on my own, with my little family. All of you who are still with your parents should try it, if you think you're ready to start being responsible for your own well being. I did it, so you know it's possible.

At any rate, I just finished Pastoralia by Saunders. If you like strange short stories, I really recommend this one. It was absolutely fantastic. I really enjoyed his writing style and his unique stories. I'm currently reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Diaz. We have a book club at work (and why not? we are a book store) and Diaz is our September selection. It came out in paper back today so I swung by to pick up a copy. So far it is really catchy and fun. There are a lot of spanish sentences in it, however, and I find myself utilizing my super context clue detective work more than 5 times per page. Some times I have to google things. I had to Google galletazo earlier, and didn't really get a definitive answer as to what a galletazo actually is. All I found were some youtube videos of Hispanic kids sneaking up on and slapping the piss out of each other. So I guess a galletazo is a surprise slap? Either way, it is a great story so far and I'm really excited about it. Now, if I could just get off work for the meeting!

I did a lot of studying for statistics earlier, with the help of my dear Kittles. I got a lot of work done, which I hope will help me get an A on the first test. I still need to study for German, but I'd rather blog. The reminds me, my mom and I went to Henk's on Saturday. They are a German restaurant. YUM! It was freaking good! I will definitely go there again! If any of you blog readers, I think there is one of you, like German food, I'll give you directions.

I picked up the newest issue of Good magazine at work the other day, not because I like the magazine, but because this month's issue is on public education. I'm collecting all the public education reform literature I can because I might write my dissertation on it. I don't know yet. Any way, it didn't have much information in it. There was a small article on why our schools are failing, namely that we've taken all the "fun" out of learning. Then there's something about affirmative action, and then about playgrounds? Ummm.. ok. Yet the entire magazine is supposedly centered around the fact that children are being left behind, etc. etc... Oh well.

Ok, well. Bye.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Holy shit

Uhh, Hi blog. Don't be mad, but I forgot you existed.

So much has happened since I last wrote. I got a job at Borders, which pretty much rocks. I look at books all day, and then I help people find stuff. And sometimes I make people lattes. Even though my awesome manager just left, it is still pretty fun. I get a wicked discount and my book shelf got so heavy it broke a few days ago.

Also, I'm keeping with my new years resolution. I start German class tomorrow, which means that soon you will see my German post.

My birthday is in a few days, and Alma got me this SWEET Beatles shirt. It's that hippie green that works so well on me. I think I'll wear it every daaaaay!

I'm playing WoW again, which is bad bad bad. But I'm also knitting again. Actually, where do I find time to do all this shit?

As you probably know, I read a lot of books while on vacation from blogging. So here we go.

Oryx and Crake by Atwood- A good book, but as far as post-apocalyptic literature goes it wasn't my favorite.

Marley and Me- UUgh so good. Grogan is a really good writer.. I laughed, I cried (a lot), and I really enjoyed the book as a whole. I didn't learn anything or really get anything out of it but it was entertaining at least.

Oil! by Sinclair- Sinclair is really an amazing author, but the good bits of Oil! were not worth the hike to get to them. The movie, if you haven't seen it, is a must watch.

Jailbird by Vonnegut- Not my favorite Vonnegut, but still fun back stab at the MAN.

Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut- Hands down my favorite by Vonnegut.

Armageddon in Retrospect by Vonnegut- Filled with really cool stuff. There's his POW letter, the speech that he was scheduled to make but died, lots of sweet short stories, and a cool introduction by his son Mark.

A Dirty Job by Moore- Hilarious. The source of many inside jokes at work.

Satanic Verses by Rushdie- Such a neat book. A lot of the chapters in it would make really awesome sci-fi scenes, even though I'm certain he wasn't aiming for that. A little intimidating in length, and pretty slow at times, but still a fantastic read. The controversy surrounding the book is also really interesting.

The Other Boleyn Girl by Geggory- Barely worth whiping your ass with.